CCJ Prototype
MANABE, Hiroshi / 真鍋博
Born in Uma-gun (now Niihama-shi), Ehime prefecture, MANABE Hiroshi (1932–2000) was an illustrator, animator, and essayist. He graduated from the department of oil painting at Tama Art University in 1954. At the early stage of his career, he began to show his works at the Nikikai Exhibition and in the Yomiuri Independent Exhibition (also known as Yomiuri Independents). Together with artists Ikeda Masuo, Horiuchi Kōji, and others, Manabe formed a group—”Existentialists,” or “Jitsuzai-sha”—in 1955. Besides oil paintings, he experimented with other genres such as manga illustrations, animation, stage art, etc. In 1960, he received the first Kodansha Sashie Prize for his illustrations of science fiction novel The Seventh Underground. His artistic versatility included works in abstract and futuristic styles as his interest shifted from oil paintings. In 1960, he formed “A Club of Three Animators” (Anemēshon Sannin no Kai) with Kuri Yōji and Yanagihara Ryōhei. The group presented independent animation works at Sōgetsu Art Center in the 1960s. Manabe’s experimental work Three-Persons Animation (Sannin no Anemēshon) combined projected animation, Noh stage performance, and lighting.
真鍋博(1932年- 2000年、愛媛県出身)イラストレーター、アニメーション作者、 エッセイスト。 1954年多摩美術大学油絵科を卒業し、二紀会展、読売アンデ パンダン 展などに出品した。1955年に池田満寿夫、堀内康司らと共に「実存者」グループを結成 した。油絵の他に、漫画、アニメ、舞台芸術などのジャンルで活動を行い、1960年には SF小説「第七地下壕」の挿絵で講談社さしえ賞を受けた。1960年に久里洋二と柳原良 平と共に「3人のアニメータの会」を結成し、1960年代に草月アートセンターで実験ア ニメーション作品を上映した。真鍋の実験作品「三人アニメーション」は、アニメー ション、能パフォーマンス、照明を組み合わせたものである。