Video Earth Tokyo Interviews of Ikeda and Shimoda CATVs / ビデオアース初期池田と下田CATVインタビュー
When Keiji Ito, a new member of Video Earth Tokyo, expressed an interest in starting a cable television station in Shimoda, the collective brought in and wired the coaxial cables themselves, and established a local transmission studio, broadcasting live to about 20-30 homes. The contents of the program were community-based guerrilla programs, continuous shot of the clock for time signaling, and other kinds of material. As this was a project for the local community, we did not broadcast any individual work that is experimental in nature. This project became independent in 1978 as Video Earth K2, and continues to operate to this day (Shimoda Cable TV Broadcast Co., Ltd.) We found out later that there was a cable television operation in Ikeda-cho, and covered their story as well.ビデオアース東京に、下田でケーブルテレビをやりたいという人物(イトウケイジ)が入ってきたので、自分たちで同軸ケーブルを担いで架線し、現地に発信スタジオを構えて、20~30軒の家庭に映像をライブ配信していた。映像の内容は、地域に根ざしたゲリラテレビジョン的なものや、時計を映し続ける時報的なものなど。地域のためのプロジェクトなので、実験的な個人作品は流さないようにした。この事業は、1978年にビデオアースK2として独立し、今も活動している(下田有線テレビ放送株式会社?)。その後、池田町でもケーブルテレビ事業が行われていることを知って、そちらにも取材に行った。(CCJ作家インタビュー2018)
Creation Date
VideoRun Time
25 minComponents (8)
- Held By: Nakajima Ko
- Media Type: Video
- Held By: Nakajima Ko
- Media Type: Video
- Held By: Nakajima Ko
- Media Type: Video
- Held By: Nakajima Ko
- Media Type: Video
- Held By: Nakajima Ko
- Media Type: Video
- Held By: Nakajima Ko
- Media Type: Video
- Held By: Nakajima Ko
- Media Type: Video
- Held By: Nakajima Ko
- Media Type: Video