CCJ Prototype

Anma (The Masseurs) / あんま


In Anma, Butoh artists Tatsumi Hijikata and Kazuo Ohno perform the characters of a soldier and a mad woman, respectively, in front of an audience at the Sogetsu Art Center. Iimura documented the dance with a camera on stage, thus incorporating himself and the camera into the performance. According to Iimura, this “cine-dance” was an attempt to practice “the oneness of the body and the camera.”—Takahiko Iimura, Eizō āto no genten: 1960 nendai, 2016.
「あんま」では、草月芸術センターの観客の前で舞踏家の土方辰巳と大野一夫がそれぞれ演じた。 飯村は舞台にカメラを置いて踊りを記録し、自分自身とカメラをパフォーマンスに組み入れた。 飯村によると、この「シネダンス」は「体とカメラの一体感」を実践する試みであった。—飯村隆彦『映像アートの原点 1960年代』 水声文庫 2016

Creation Date



8mm / 16mm (blow-up)


  • BW

  • Run Time



    • Silent

Components (5)

  • IT_028
    • Held By: Iimura Takahiko
    • Media Type: Film

  • IT_029
    • Held By: Iimura Takahiko
    • Media Type: Film

  • IT_030
    • Held By: Iimura Takahiko
    • Media Type: Film

  • IT_031
    • Held By: Iimura Takahiko
    • Media Type: Film

  • IT_032
    • Held By: Iimura Takahiko
    • Media Type: Film